Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

How to Talk About Jesus (and it not be weird)

There are plenty of negative motivators that can create a fear of sharing our faith.

It's a reality for all of us.

Yet, in this episode of the OK Cru Podcast David D shares about how he went from a fraternity guy not knowing how to talk about Jesus to learning how to lead other people to Christ.

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Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

You Can’t Just Wish to Get From Where You Are to Leaving a Lasting Legacy... Here are 8 things you Need on Your Own Roadmap.

We all would say we want to influence others and have an impact in a tangible way. Yet, from my experience, most people don't have this journey charted out. They leave the trajectory up to chance and hope they wander there one day. You need a map to get from where you are to where you want to be. Here are 8 things you need on your own roadmap to leaving a legacy.

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Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

No One Likes to Wander Around Aimlessly…

As a student in college,  What if could transport you into the future?

What if you could immediately realize all the success, impact, and legacy that you will have when you are 85.

Here's the catch... you can't undo it. You don't get to come back from being 85.

Would you do it?

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Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

Try Out This Prayer Method to Grow in Consistency

We all know that praying is an important part of our spiritual life.

Yet for most of my life, my prayers were to pass a test, win a football game, or for a girl to like me. Prayers were a request list to God to make my life the way I wanted.

Now, using a particular method, my prayer life has become a rich and meaningful ritual of mine. Here is the journey that led me to make a change...

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Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

How You Can Use Journaling to Walk Deeper with God

We also live in the most distracted age ever. Now more than ever, it is harder to slow down, focus on deep work, and especially hear from God. If we don’t figure out how to connect with God, and in particular slow down to seek and listen to the leading from the Holy Spirit, we run a huge risk. This pace can result in the stunting of our spiritual growth, leading to wandering from intimacy with God and, in turn, relying too much on ourselves.

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Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

10 Things I Learned at Winter Conference 2022

As we always say, Winter Conference is one of the best things we do in Cru. A big reason why is while you are at the conference, you get to experience all three parts of Cru’s mission; Win, Build, and Send.

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Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

These Five Steps Will Help You Move From Surviving to Thriving at OU

One of the most annoying things about college is the constantly changing nature of it. With each semester comes new classes, a new schedule, possibly new roommates, and for sure a new routine. Often we assume it’s easier to just deal with the changing stressors by checking our Instagram feed, clicking on Netflix, playing call of duty, or going out with friends.

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