These Five Steps Will Help You Move From Surviving to Thriving at OU


One of the most annoying things about college is the constantly changing nature of it. With each semester comes new classes, a new schedule, possibly new roommates, and for sure a new routine. Often we assume it’s easier to just deal with the changing stressors by checking our Instagram feed, clicking on Netflix, playing call of duty, or going out with friends.

Despite the complexity of college, we believe there are a few key steps that will help create stability in the midst of the chaos. How exciting would it be if each OU student moved from simply surviving the chaos to thriving in chaos and then help others do the same? To move closer to being that kind of person, check out these five steps…

  1. Make Consistent Time to be Filled Up Spiritually

    Most of the time when I find myself drained, I look back and see large gaps in my time reading the Bible, my prayer life, and time around other encouraging believers. Often this happens because my focus drifts from my created purpose, to walk deeply with God and help others do the same. My focus drifts to being hyper aware of my current stressors. Time with God is not a silver bullet to happiness in life. However, I find my heart and mind are more focused on life-giving inputs when I consistently spend time with the source of life.

  2. Find Spiritual Community

    There is a myth I find myself often believing in life. It goes like this, “I can do it on my own". Maybe you know the cousin of the same myth that sounds like one of these, “I don’t need others’ help” or “I don’t want to be around annoying people” or “I have enough friends in my life at the moment.”

    I think one reason we believe these myths because we don’t want to put ourselves out there. Let’s be honest, it’s tough. We have to risk that others will be annoying, reject us, or just drive us crazy.

    Yet, there is a reason we were created in a community. Humans have a profound need to be with each other. When we are present in the same physical space, united around the same cause, we can help point each other to Jesus and how to be more like Him. This moves us from simply surviving to thriving.

    Chances are if you are not thriving currently, this is a big area lacking.

    The good news is that we have community groups on campus for this very reason. Fill out this survey to be connected to one.

  3. Get Some Sleep

    College is no doubt the time to have fun, stay up late, and make memories. Yet, just like anything good, there is balance. It is recommended that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep to thrive. If you are consistently getting less than 6 hours, this could be a key reason you are simply surviving college and not thriving.

  4. Study During Business Hours

    This simple hack has helped countless students I know feel less stressed, prioritize the things God calls them too and thrive in college. Here is how it works…

    1. Write out your schedule from 9-6 each day.

    2. Fill in all your classes.

    3. Fill in lunch breaks (30 to 45 min)

    4. In the block of free time left, put in 1-3 hour blocks for each class to study for. (Some will need more and some will need less)

    5. During these blocks from 9-6, work on your homework on campus, somewhere quiet. Put away your phone.

    6. Take small 5-10 minute breaks, but don’t get carried away.

    Imagine having all your homework done, you’ve started reading ahead in some classes and you find yourself with nothing but free time from 8 pm-12 am. While this doesn’t work 100% of the time for tests, projects, and finals, I have found it beats the heck out of cramming for EVERY SINGLE ASSIGNMENT.

    5. Shift From “Here I Am” to “There You Are”

    When you walk into a room, what is the first thing you think of? Most likely, if you are like 98% of the rest of humans, you wonder “What is everyone thinking of me right now.”

    This is a totally normal human response, and yet it is likely something that is causing most of us to survive and not thrive. Try this instead. Just before you walk into a new room, meeting, party, or any other space, ask yourself, “Who is this room can I go up to and communicate value to?” The funniest part about this whole thing is, being that kind of person, the one who gives value to everyone else, you end up being the kind of person everyone likes.

There are plenty of other pointers that can help you move from surviving in college to thriving in college. Hopefully, these help you get on the right track. If you would like to get more info about how you can do this, sign up for the Cru Lead Toolbox. This is a weekly email delivered to your personal inbox that helps OU Students have the tools they need to move from surviving to thriving so they can change the world!


1 Min Discipleship: Intro to the Holy Spirit
