Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

Cru Lead Recap 2/8/23

⭕️☝🏻 Cru Lead Recap 2/8/23

The purpose of Cru Lead is to gather the leaders from across all of our target areas together in one room.

We want to teach them to walk with God and lead others spiritually.

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Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

You Can’t Just Wish to Get From Where You Are to Leaving a Lasting Legacy... Here are 8 things you Need on Your Own Roadmap.

We all would say we want to influence others and have an impact in a tangible way. Yet, from my experience, most people don't have this journey charted out. They leave the trajectory up to chance and hope they wander there one day. You need a map to get from where you are to where you want to be. Here are 8 things you need on your own roadmap to leaving a legacy.

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