Cru Lead Recap 2/8/23

⭕️☝🏻 Cru Lead Recap 2/8/23

The purpose of Cru Lead is to gather the leaders from across all of our target areas together in one room.

We want to teach them to walk with God and lead others spiritually.

Here is what we did this week...

❓Engagement Question: Favorite Candy Bar (Reese's for the win)

🎙Discussion Question: What is the purpose of life?

Explained the Drawing

🔴God loves you for who you are not what you do for Him.

🔴So we love God for who He is and not what he does for us.

🔴And then we love others for who they are not what they do for us.

This is the fuel for mission.

We want to cultivate this.

Ezekiel 47 🌴

The river flowing from the temple leads to life.

Talked about how it goes deeper, past our ability to navigate it by ourselves.

But deeper is where life is found.


Talked in groups about...

1️⃣ Why is our natural tendency to resist going deeper?

2️⃣ What can you do to go deeper with God?

📣 Announced

2023 Vision Dinner

Summer Mission info sessions

🤝Coaching Groups for Our Leaders

Had our leaders meet with their coaching teams and plan.

Thankful for 5 target areas on campus!

🌏Thailand Convos

Talked with 2 guys about coming to Thailand with us this summer.

🏈Super Bowl Trash Talk

Of course, pumped up the Chiefs for the Super Bowl this weekend.

Cru Lead is a key element for us to build students to a mature faith.


5 Tips to Be a Great MC


One Simple Phrase That Leads To More Spiritual Convo’s