Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

Want to Build Connection in Your Community Group: Try the Hot Seat

Each day in Fall Camp, Clemson Head Football Coach Dabo Swinney gathers his team. He asks each player to take a turn on the stage in front of the entire team and be on the hot seat. He says that doing this breeds vulnerability and vulnerability creates love. Love is what is going to fuel a guy to do one more rep in the weight room, one more pass in practice, or push that much harder on 4th and Goal.

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Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

How to Talk About Jesus (and it not be weird)

There are plenty of negative motivators that can create a fear of sharing our faith.

It's a reality for all of us.

Yet, in this episode of the OK Cru Podcast David D shares about how he went from a fraternity guy not knowing how to talk about Jesus to learning how to lead other people to Christ.

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Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

Try Out This Prayer Method to Grow in Consistency

We all know that praying is an important part of our spiritual life.

Yet for most of my life, my prayers were to pass a test, win a football game, or for a girl to like me. Prayers were a request list to God to make my life the way I wanted.

Now, using a particular method, my prayer life has become a rich and meaningful ritual of mine. Here is the journey that led me to make a change...

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Ben Seiler Ben Seiler

10 Things I Learned at Winter Conference 2022

As we always say, Winter Conference is one of the best things we do in Cru. A big reason why is while you are at the conference, you get to experience all three parts of Cru’s mission; Win, Build, and Send.

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