Oklahoma Cru

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Greek Recruitment Week has Arrived: Here Are Some Tips to Thrive

Each year thousands of OU students arrive early on campus to go through the Greek recruitment process. In an attempt to help new students navigate this process well, we reached out to several friends of OU Cru who are Greek alumni. Here is what they said helped them thrive during recruitment…

“Remember that your worth does not and can not come from the letters of a Greek house. Keep an open mind throughout the whole process—there are amazing girls in every house! And have fun! Let it be a new experience of meeting new people who want you to like them just as much as you want them to like you.” -Reagan McDonald, Cru Staff at OU, OU Theta PC 10

“In certain sports (like archery or target shooting), three commands organize activity: Ready, Aim, and Fire. You have chosen to go to OU and decided to go through Rush. You are “ready.” Before you “fire” off and sign a house, take time to “aim.” Where do you want to be in a decade and which group of men can help you get there?” -Mark Robinson, Senior Pastor at Wildwood Community Church, LXA alumni.

“People will sniff you the idea that you are trying to be like someone else. Be yourself and if you aren’t a good fit for a house, you won’t have to live your college career with a mask on. If you are a good fit, you’ve found true brothers.” -Michael Ferrara, Cru Staff at OU, Sig Ep alumni

“Cru has a great resource, on greekwide.com for women going through recruitment. It has a devo each day for women to read as they go through the recruitment process.” Jennifer Boyd, Cru Staff at OSU, Kappa alumna

“Try to get to know as many people in each house as you can. When many people start saying similar things, they will help you know if a house is a good fit for you or not.” -Toby Vaughn, Business Development for Marseal Group, ATO alumni.

“Know who you are and be open minded to what makes a good fit for you. Don’t feel like you have to conform to what someone is recruiting you to do if it doesn’t fit you.” -Austin Taylor, Cru Staff in Thailand, Kappa Sigma alumni.